ES3528MV2 Supports IGMP Snooping Input, Output and General Query statistic reports

Steven_zhangCreated at:Dec 11, 2019 10:51:36Updated at:Dec 11, 2019 10:51:40

To clear IGMP Snooping statistic report, use the command "clear ip igmp snooping statistics".

SW_1#clear ip igmp snooping statistics


Use the command "show ip igmp snooping statistics input interface Ethernet 1/x" to check Leave, General Query, Group specific Query, Drop, Join Success, Group statistic reports of each port.

SW_1#sh ip igmp snooping statistics input interface ethernet 1/25
 Input Statistics:
 Interface  Report   Leave    G Query  G(-S)-S Query Drop     Join Succ Group
 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- --------- -----------
 Eth 1/25         42        0        0             0       14        28           2

As shown above, there are 42 IGMP reports received by port 25 connected to VLC Server. 14 packets are dropped, 28 packets register to the multicast table successfully, and 2 multicast groups.


Use the command "show ip igmp snooping statistics output interface Ethernet 1/x" to check Leave, General Query, Group specific Query statistic reports of each port.

SW_1#sh ip igmp snooping statistics output interface ethernet 1/25
 Output Statistics:
 Interface  Report   Leave    G Query  G(-S)-S Query
 ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------------
 Eth 1/25          0        0       14             0

As shown above, there are 0 IGMP report, 0 leaves, 14 General Queries send out from port 25 connected to VLC Server


Use the command "show ip igmp snooping statistics query" to check General statistic report.

SW_1#sh ip igmp snooping statistics query
 Querier IP Address        :
 Querier Expire Time       : 00(h):02(m):57(s)
 General Query Received    : 14
 General Query Sent        : 14
 Specific Query Received   : 8
 Specific Query Sent       : 8
 Number of Reports Sent    : 90
 Number of Leaves Sent     : 4
SW_1#sh ip igmp snooping group
Bridge Multicast Forwarding Entry Count:3
Flag: R - Router port, M - Group member port
      H - Host counts (number of hosts join the group on this port).
      P - Port counts (number of ports join the group).
 Up time: Group elapsed time (d:h:m:s).
 Expire : Group remaining time (m:s).

VLAN Group           Port        Up time     Expire Count
---- --------------- ----------- ----------- ------ --------
   1                  00:00:07:12            2(P)
                     Eth 1/25(M) 00:00:07:12 03:08      1(H)
                     Eth 1/28(R)
   1             00:00:07:28            3(P)
                     Eth 1/ 1(M) 00:00:07:19 03:08      1(H)
                     Eth 1/27(M) 00:00:07:28 03:14      1(H)
                     Eth 1/28(R)
   1             00:00:07:11            2(P)
                     Eth 1/25(M) 00:00:07:11 03:14      1(H)
                     Eth 1/28(R)