1. Add the VID (VLAN ID) to the port interface. In this example, the traffic will tag VLAN 2.
Console#configure Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/1 Console(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 2 tagged Console(config-if)#exit Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/47 Console(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 2 tagged
2. Create a class map to classify the specified traffic. In this example, it will match to the traffic of CoS 0.
Console(config)#class-map CoS Console(config-cmap)#match cos 0
Console#show class-map Class Map match-any CoS Description: Match CoS 0
3. Create a policy map and use the class command to configure policies for traffic which match the criteria defined in a class map. In this example, the value of CoS will be modified to "7" if the traffic match to the class map.
Console(config)#policy-map CoS-test Console(config-pmap)#class CoS Console(config-pmap-c)#set cos 7
Console#show policy-map Policy Map CoS-test Description: class CoS set CoS 7
4. Apply the policy map to the ingress or egress side of a particular interface. In this example, the policy map will be applied to ingress of port 1.
Console#configure Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/1 Console(config-if)#service-policy ? input Input direction output Output direction Console(config-if)#service-policy input CoS-test
Console#show running-config interface ethernet 1/1 interface ethernet 1/1 switchport allowed vlan add 2 tagged service-policy input CoS-test !
When the switch received the packet of CoS "0" from port 1, this CoS will be modified to "7" then be sent out from the port 47.
Prev Page The format of DHCPv6 snooping option37 (Remote-ID) on Edgecore switch