[BF-Diag] How to Install BF-Diag on Wedge100BF switch (Accton Diag)?

Steven_zhangCreated at:Jan 06, 2020 14:47:22Updated at:Jan 06, 2020 15:01:58

Copy the DIAG-V0.33.tgz to U Disk and the Insert the USB disk to the device

2. Connect the Wedge100BF console by baudrate 9600

3. Login OpenBmc by username “root”, password “0penBmc”(number 0)


4. Reboot and connect the COMe by command “wedge_power.sh reset;sol.sh”


5.  Choose DIAG: Accton Diagnostic” in the ONIE menu


7. Mount USB Disk

Use command “fdisk –l” to check the name for the USB disk. At this moment USB disk name is sdb1. And then mount th usb disk.

root@bfn-switch:~# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb



8. Copy DIAG-V0.33.tgz to directory “/”

 root@bfn-switch:~# cp /mnt/usb/DIAG-V0.33.tgz /



9. Procedure:

9.1 Install ACCDIAG image:

root@bfn-switch:/# cd /

root@bfn-switch:/# tar xvfz DIAG-V0.33.tgz

root@bfn-switch:/# cd DIAG-V0.33/

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33# source sysenv

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33# ./bf-diag-install.sh

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33# cd diag_main/

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33/diag_main# make; make install;

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33/diag_main# cd ../



2.2  run bf-diag:

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33# source bf_diag_start.sh


swutil -C -S --install-path=$BF_DIAG_INSTALL_DIR


Wait for bfshell initialization finish and auto logout. And then use command “bfshell” to enter bfshell

root@bfn-switch:/DIAG-V0.33# bfshell

Installation Complete!
